Tell me what you eat, I'll tell you who you are.
- Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Goal: To feel more satisfied by eating several smaller meals throughout the day
1. First, find your calorie goal for the day. Here is a good website to figure it out
- You don't need to be looking to lose weight right away, maintaining is fine. Just work to build the habit.
3. Plan what you are going to eat for these meals ahead of time. When you plan on doing something you are much more likely to follow through with it.
- IMPORTANT: Try not to skip a meal, and especially don't skip breakfast! I'm sure you have heard breakfast is the most important meal before and its true! If you start skipping meals it will not only lead to your pigging out(and overeating) at the end of the day, but it's not healthy.
- TIP: Bringing snacks to work will save money, give you something to look forward to, and keep your energy level more consistent throughout the day.
- This may seem like an obvious statement, but eating healthier food will make you feel more satisfied throughout the day. The more nutrition that an item has will the more it will keep you from thinking about your next meal
- WHAT'S THAT: A freebie day is when you free yourself from the restraints of the routine your trying to build. We are only human, and when starting something new were are likely to make mistakes.
- IMPORTANT: Don't look at the mistake as a failure! New habits take time to develop. Phase your new habit in, but try to keep it to one freebie day a week. If you crack and have an unexpected freebie day, don't sweat it. It happens. Just make sure to get back on track the next day.
- TIP: I have found freebie days are best saved for Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, when things aren't as scheduled as the are during the work week.
- 7 AM: Whole Grain Cereal with Milk, a Banana, coffee
- 10 AM: Energy Bar, Dried Fruit(ex: Raisins), water
- 1 PM: Peanut butter sandwich, Apple, Iced Tea
- 4 PM: Almonds+Cashews, a few Jolly Ranchers/Mints, Crackers, water
- 7 PM: Bean salad and soup, tea
- Obviously your plan doesn't need to be the same, but think about the food you like, what you have around your house and make a plan for the next day/week.
Tomorrow: Forming New Habits - The Four Day Rule
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